Professionally, I deal with digital marketing, I manage SEO processes in the Testimo agency, which I run with my life and business partner Justyna -> LovU :), acting as Head Of SEO. This job is something I want professionally and I do with pleasure and great success. Agency work is a lot to do, a lot to manage, a lot of time to devote... But I like it! :)
I rest and find fulfillment by taking photos from my travels and mountain trips - at the same time I recharge my batteries and photography gives me a sense of self-realization, and mountain trips give me strength and self-confidence. 
These are my passions. I pursue my sport by climbing smaller and larger mountains. I am a father and a husband, in my group we have five children, two of whom have already left home, and the rest of us have a great time on expeditions, trips, climbing and bicycle trips. 
 I think photography will stay with me forever and will always be in my heart.
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